Spirit Light
Reawaken Your Inner Sanctuary

Consultations - Herbal, Spiritual, & Wellness

Everything is energy. Our emotions, our life experiences, how we perceive the world around us, all of it is picked up energetically by our energy field, where we begin to process and understand the subtle vibrations emotionally through the knowledge and wisdom of the heart center. If we are able to deal with various life circumstances here, at the emotional and energetic level they are assimilated and flow with ease. What is needed is kept, and what is not is released. Life flows, health is abundant, we feel ease within our life. 

When we are challenged by a given circumstance, do not have the tools to help us process it, or are in a state of feeling overwhelmed with life, and thus do not have the buffers needed to see the meaning within the circumstance, these vibrations and energies can begin to take up residence physically within our body. This can manifest as a variety of ailments, depending on what the external circumstance is, what our imprinting is, and thus the lens through which we view it. 



When I sit with you, I look at all the individual parts and pieces that make up your unique puzzle. I help you to connect the dots between various life circumstances you have been through and the ailments that you have or are currently facing, bringing you aha's and insight to begin to make more lasting shifts within your wellness, body, mind, and spirit. 

The direct correlations I receive about your timeline, the areas of your life and health where you have had challenges, point to specific chakras, the energy centers within the body. The connections are quite uncanny and easy for me to see. This helps us to look at and identify some of the underlying wounding that is responsible for the triggers we have in our life, and the unresolved ailments we face. 

Once we have identified some of the energetic wounding to be addressed, I walk you through various techniques to help you begin to shift your perspective, and start to address the root of a given issue. The tools I give you to work with will vary depending on your unique situation, and are often things you can work with at home to continue to make progress on your healing path. Along with these tools we set up energy healing sessions to begin to clear out what is stagnant, blocked, and corded within your energy field. Additional consultations, readings, tools, herbs, or energy healing sessions will be recommended as needed to continue to bring you back into balance and vibrancy.


New Clients:

For new clients, we begin your journey with an Initial Consultation, setting the background for the work we will do during the energy healing sessions. (This is not necessary for those simply seeking a reading, but may come up as a next step to take depending upon what is revealed during your reading.) This initial consultation is an overall picture, looking at all the factors that have contributed to the issues you are seeking to address. Initial consultations cover past and current health history, dietary and lifestyle practices, and environmental factors contributing to your health and overall wellness.

Together we look at your primary  goals, and create a plan to re-establish or maintain wellness within the body, mind, and spirit. As options are discussed emphasis is placed on listening to your intuition and re-establishing your role of choice within your health and wellness care, as you are the foremost authority on yourself. Initial consultations may run from one hour to two hours in length, depending on the complexity of your current health needs and goals.

You will be emailed a 'New Client Intake Form' prior to your first consultation, and will fill this out and bring it with you your to your appointment, or email it to me prior to a distance consultation.

Consultations may be done in person or online.

Follow up appointments assess how you are progressing towards your health and wellness goals, and are used to revisit herbal formulations and other tools you have been working with and adjust them as necessary. Follow up visits may run from 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on your goals, changing health needs, and re-adjustment of herbal formulations or other tools.


For every ailment there is an energetic component, and a corresponding spiritual or herbal remedy to bring about wellness within the body, mind, and spirit. My life's work is to connect you to the plants and Spirit Guides that would be your allies on your path to wholeness and optimum wellness, bringing you tools to empower your journey, and offering you a balanced choice for your needs. Since 1997 I have worked with hundreds of clients ranging from those presenting common minor ailments to those seeking complementary and/or alternative options for more complex health issues. 


Consultation Fees:

          -Initial Consultation $125 per hour

          -Follow up visits $125 per hour

Consultations by appointment.

Fee for herbal formulations, medicine pouches, and other tools, are separate from the consultation fee.

Payment plan available.

If a consultation goes beyond the length of time booked, a rate of $125 per hour will apply to the overage.


To Book A Consultation:

-Go to the Contact Page, scroll down and fill in the fields. Make sure to include days and times that would work with your schedule to book your appointment within the next two weeks.

-Keep an eye on your email for appointment date & time confirmation, new client intake paperwork for you to fill out, and either directions to the office or a link for your online appointment.

-Fill out the new client intake paperwork and bring it with you to your in person appointment or email it back to me prior to your online appointment.

-For online appointments, keep an eye on your email for invoicing for your appointment if not paid through the links below or if additional time is needed.

I look forward to working with you!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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